For Couples

You don't want to fight! It's just that they seem to be able to hit your buttons with such accuracy that you'd think your little sister had given them pointers.

It's time to spark more connection and understanding in your relationship.

Let's get started!

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Relationships are often a short cut to growth and healing. If we can survive all the old wounds being hit and vulnerability required to shift forward that is.

Having a new guidebook to handle the conflict that is key to a healthy relationship is going to help it all become a lot more doable.

Enter the Fight Languages.

That one session was more helpful than many standard counseling sessions that we've had. Where others have avoided talking about things my husband didn't want to talk about, your approach that it's all normal and we all get caught up in it seemed to put him at ease. It really gave us a reset, and you helped us realize that we didn't just fall out of love, but we're triggering each other and doing a bad job of expressing ourselves.

- Sandy Pradas

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